The Reluctant Chaperon, Chapter 2

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We have another chapter of Suzan Lauder’s The Reluctant Chaperon to whet your appetite! Maybe we learn more about Mr. Charington. Chapter 2 Introduction by Suzan Lauder In the second chapter of The Reluctant Chaperon, we see more of Cassie’s … Read More

The Reluctant Chaperon by Suzan Lauder

The second book in the series, Cecilia’s Mismatches, is available for preorder on Amazon and will be released on October 10th. The Reluctant Chaperon finds Lady Hoxley, Cecilia, making another attempt at matchmaking. Will she be more successful with this … Read More

Doubt Not, Cousin by Barry S. Richman

category Uncategorized 69

Meryton Press author, Barry S. Richman, wrote a novel that is different from most books in the Austenesque genre. Fitzwilliam Darcy and his cousin, Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam, feature heavily in the story as well as the lives they touch and … Read More

A Chance Eavesdropping by C. P. Odom

Meryton Press is happy to release C. P. Odom’s latest novel, A Chance Eavesdropping. It has been a long time coming due to various real-life impediments, but it is here now, and we hope everyone enjoys it. C. P. is … Read More

The Bennets: Providence and Perception by K.C. Cowan

category Uncategorized 62

Welcome to the Meryton Press Blog. Today we have a new to Meryton Press author and a new book to spotlight. The author, K.C. Cowan, has several previous books to her credit, but The Bennets: Providence & Perception, is her … Read More

The Last House in Lambton Cover Reveal

category Uncategorized 62

Guess what we have in store for you today? Grace Gibson has a new book, and it is available to preorder now! Readers have been wishing for longer books by Grace, and with this one, you will get your wish! … Read More

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