***FREE***Lots of Authors, Lots of eBooks

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The day is not over yet! There is still plenty of time to get those eBooks. Load up those eReaders with some of the best in Austenesque, free on Amazon. Use the QR Code above to go to the JAFF … Read More

Alias ​​Thomas Bennet, Edición en español

category Uncategorized 9

Meryton Press 7 de diciembre Continuando con nuestra celebración del décimo aniversario de Alias ​​​​Thomas Bennet de Suzan Lauder, Meryton Press lanza la edición en español del libro, traducido por una de nuestras propias autoras, Belén Paccagnella. Antes de que … Read More

Into the Wilderness by Belén Paccagnella

category Uncategorized 31

It’s time for our third summer holiday vignette. Here’s Belén Paccagnella to tell you a little bit about her story. But first let me inform you about the comments. When you leave your comment, it will not show up immediately. … Read More