***FREE***Lots of Authors, Lots of eBooks

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The day is not over yet! There is still plenty of time to get those eBooks. Load up those eReaders with some of the best in Austenesque, free on Amazon. Use the QR Code above to go to the JAFF … Read More

Darcy’s Struggle by Kelly Dean Jolley

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We have a surprise, and you are going to love it! Author Kelly Dean Jolley’s new Pride & Prejudice novel, Darcy’s Struggle, is available for preorder today! You heard correctly! Click on this link and grab your copy from Amazon. … Read More

To Plege Allegiance Cover Reveal

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Robert W Smith has a new novel that is available for preorder today. To Pledge Allegiance is another “Windy City” novel, but this one is set in 1917 Chicago. Rumors of war are filling the newspapers and the streets. The … Read More

Secret Affairs Chapter 3

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Sparks followed by an insult… will the sparks ignite or fizzle out? This summer party appears to be most entertaining! Shall we mingle? Chapter 3  No more than a moment after Lord Catlin entered the room, his strong form caught … Read More

Secret Affairs Chapter 2

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Cassie’s summer party at Fanshaugh Manor is off to a good start. Lexie is playing hostess to two new arrivals, and they are having a nice walk in the formal gardens. Shall we join them? Chapter 2 Early that afternoon. … Read More

Secret Affairs by Suzan Lauder

category Uncategorized 14

Cecilia is at it again. She is giving Lexie a second chance at her infamous matchmaking skills. (or lack thereof) 🙂 Will she have better luck, or will Lexie find her man without any help from Lady Hoxley? To find … Read More

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