Darcy’s Struggle by Kelly Dean Jolley

category Uncategorized 53

We have a surprise, and you are going to love it! Author Kelly Dean Jolley’s new Pride & Prejudice novel, Darcy’s Struggle, is available for preorder today! You heard correctly! Click on this link and grab your copy from Amazon. … Read More

Secret Affairs Chapter 3

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Sparks followed by an insult… will the sparks ignite or fizzle out? This summer party appears to be most entertaining! Shall we mingle? Chapter 3  No more than a moment after Lord Catlin entered the room, his strong form caught … Read More

Secret Affairs Chapter 2

category Uncategorized 5

Cassie’s summer party at Fanshaugh Manor is off to a good start. Lexie is playing hostess to two new arrivals, and they are having a nice walk in the formal gardens. Shall we join them? Chapter 2 Early that afternoon. … Read More

Secret Affairs by Suzan Lauder

category Uncategorized 14

Cecilia is at it again. She is giving Lexie a second chance at her infamous matchmaking skills. (or lack thereof) 🙂 Will she have better luck, or will Lexie find her man without any help from Lady Hoxley? To find … Read More

Alias ​​Thomas Bennet, Edición en español

category Uncategorized 9

Meryton Press 7 de diciembre Continuando con nuestra celebración del décimo aniversario de Alias ​​​​Thomas Bennet de Suzan Lauder, Meryton Press lanza la edición en español del libro, traducido por una de nuestras propias autoras, Belén Paccagnella. Antes de que … Read More

Happy Anniversary, Alias Thomas Bennet!

category Uncategorized 71

It’s a birthday or an anniversary, but whichever it is, it’s a celebration! Suzan Lauder’s first novel, Alias Thomas Bennet, is ten years old today. We are having a happy birthday week, and you are invited to join us! We … Read More

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