***FREE***Lots of Authors, Lots of eBooks

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The day is not over yet! There is still plenty of time to get those eBooks. Load up those eReaders with some of the best in Austenesque, free on Amazon. Use the QR Code above to go to the JAFF … Read More

A Chance Eavesdropping by C. P. Odom

Meryton Press is happy to release C. P. Odom’s latest novel, A Chance Eavesdropping. It has been a long time coming due to various real-life impediments, but it is here now, and we hope everyone enjoys it. C. P. is … Read More

The Haunting of Longbourn by C. P. Odom

category Uncategorized 27

The Haunting of Longbourn C. P. Odom The Haunting of Longbourn Wednesday, October 27, 1813Longbourn, Hertfordshire “Mr. and Mrs. Darcy, sir,” Hill announced from the door to her master’s refuge. “Tea is being prepared.” Mr. Bennet greeted his favourite daughter … Read More

Summer in the Lakes by C. P. Odom

category Uncategorized 26

Would you like to spend part of your summer in the Lake District? In this delightful vignette by C. P. Odom, we will join Darcy, Elizabeth, and the Gardiners on their excursion. C. P. shares his own creation for the … Read More