***FREE***Lots of Authors, Lots of eBooks

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The day is not over yet! There is still plenty of time to get those eBooks. Load up those eReaders with some of the best in Austenesque, free on Amazon. Use the QR Code above to go to the JAFF … Read More

Spies of Our Acquaintance

Meryton Press is happy to be releasing the sixth novella in the “Skirmish & Scandal” Series. As you will discover, this story definitely fits the theme. Brigid Huey’s Spies of Our Acquaintance has both skirmish and scandal. Would you like … Read More

Interrupted Plans Blog Tour

The second book, Interrupted Plans, by Brigid Huey, was released Tuesday, March 2nd. It is available for purchase at Amazon. The blog tour starts today, March 4th, and the first stop is at My Jane Austen Book Club. The links … Read More

Cover Reveal – Interrupted Plans by Brigid Huey

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Brigid Huey’s second book, Interrupted Plans, released today, Tuesday, March 2nd. It is available on Amazon in the Kindle version and in paperback. It may also be read on Kindle Unlimited. To add to the excitement of Brigid’s release, Meryton … Read More

The Masquerade Ball by Brigid Huey

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The Masquerade Ball Elizabeth skirted the edge of the ballroom, her eyes skimming over the colorful dancers. She had never been to a masquerade before. Indeed, no one back home in Meryton would ever dream of putting on such a … Read More

A Chance Encounter in Pemberley Woods Blog Tour

The Blog Tour for Brigid Huey’s A Chance Encounter in Pemberley Woods is underway. Brigid has some excellent posts prepared and there are eight eBooks being given away at the end of the tour. We invite you to stop by and … Read More

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