Darcy’s Struggle by Kelly Dean Jolley

category Uncategorized 53

We have a surprise, and you are going to love it! Author Kelly Dean Jolley’s new Pride & Prejudice novel, Darcy’s Struggle, is available for preorder today! You heard correctly! Click on this link and grab your copy from Amazon. … Read More

The Vanishing Woman by Kelly Dean Jolley

category Uncategorized 16

I love good Christmas stories this time of year. If I’m being honest, I love them anytime, but the holidays make them even more special, nurturing the spirit of the season and that warm, fuzzy feeling. Kelly Dean Jolley has … Read More

Big Swamp by Kelly Dean Jolley – Guest Post, Excerpt, and Giveaway

category Uncategorized 20

This is the last stop for Kelly Dean Jolley’s Big Swamp Blog Tour, and we decided to have something different. I have been fascinated with the art for the front cover from the moment I first saw it. Kelly and … Read More

Cover Reveal – Big Swamp by Kelly Dean Jolley

category Uncategorized 27

Meryton Press is embarking on a new venture. Until now, we have only published Austenesque stories, mainly Pride & Prejudice with a few other Austen variations scattered in the mix, and one children’s book. As of 2022 Meryton Press is … Read More