The Last House in Lambton Cover Reveal

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Guess what we have in store for you today? Grace Gibson has a new book, and it is available to preorder now! Readers have been wishing for longer books by Grace, and with this one, you will get your wish! … Read More

Cover Reveal – A Dutiful Son by Kelly Miller

category Uncategorized 93

Kelly Miller’s newest book, A Dutiful Son, is a Regency Pride & Prejudice Variation. In this story, Fitzwilliam’s father, George Darcy is alive and plays an important role in the lives of Georgiana and Fitzwilliam. It is intriguing to witness … Read More

Big Swamp by Kelly Dean Jolley – Guest Post, Excerpt, and Giveaway

category Uncategorized 20

This is the last stop for Kelly Dean Jolley’s Big Swamp Blog Tour, and we decided to have something different. I have been fascinated with the art for the front cover from the moment I first saw it. Kelly and … Read More

Cover Reveal – Big Swamp by Kelly Dean Jolley

category Uncategorized 27

Meryton Press is embarking on a new venture. Until now, we have only published Austenesque stories, mainly Pride & Prejudice with a few other Austen variations scattered in the mix, and one children’s book. As of 2022 Meryton Press is … Read More

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