Secret Affairs Chapter 3

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Sparks followed by an insult… will the sparks ignite or fizzle out? This summer party appears to be most entertaining! Shall we mingle? Chapter 3  No more than a moment after Lord Catlin entered the room, his strong form caught … Read More

Secret Affairs Chapter 2

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Cassie’s summer party at Fanshaugh Manor is off to a good start. Lexie is playing hostess to two new arrivals, and they are having a nice walk in the formal gardens. Shall we join them? Chapter 2 Early that afternoon. … Read More

The Reluctant Chaperon by Suzan Lauder

The second book in the series, Cecilia’s Mismatches, is available for preorder on Amazon and will be released on October 10th. The Reluctant Chaperon finds Lady Hoxley, Cecilia, making another attempt at matchmaking. Will she be more successful with this … Read More