Talking about A Will of Iron

Have you read A Will of Iron Yet? Those who have are enjoying this macabre farce immensely. Here’s what people are saying about it: Bravo to Linda Beutler on writing a humorous and murderous Pride and Prejudice variation that was … Read More

Win a Free Book!

Labor Day is just around the corner and the end of summer vacations season and summer readings is sadly in sight. To celebrate the last few days with one last hurrah, we’re giving away a copy of Sun-Kissed: Effusions of Summer. … Read More

Talking About Sun-Kissed

Sun-Kissed: Effusions of Summer is the perfect collection for relaxed summer reading on the go. This collection of stories has people talking about how much it fits their summer fun.  Here’s what they have to say: This is a perfect summer … Read More

A Will of Iron Blog Tour

Join us from July 6-20 for the A Will of Iron blog tour.  Read reviews, excerpts, interviews and guest posts. Best of all, enter one of the many giveaways for the chance to win a copy of the book.

Sun-Kissed Blog Tour 6/15-6/28

Meryton Press’s first short story anthology is due out for publication in early June, with its blog tour set for June 15-28, 2015. Sun-Kissed: Effusions of Summer brings together the talents of Meryton Press’s award-winning and favorite authors together with emerging talent. … Read More

Talking About A Peculiar Connection

A Peculiar Connection by Jan Hahn, published last month continues to get rave reviews. Here’s what some reviewers had to say: This tale, within the first few pages grabbed my heart with both hands and didn’t let go for a long … Read More

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