“Then Comes Winter” Giveaway & Dreamcasting the Short Story Heroes

In celebration of the winter short story anthology “Then Comes Winter” one year publishing anniversary, enter to win the world wide paperback giveaway at Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/giveaway/show/212726-then-comes-winter and the Rafflecopter Giveaway  https://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/fe4b73488 for an Amazon Gift Card and ebook copy. Already read and enjoyed … Read More


N is for NEVER. NEVER go anywhere without a book! For me that means any car ride whether shuttling my kids around or as a passenger on a long ride, public transportation including buses and airplanes, backpacking trips, beach or pool … Read More

#Free Books on @Amazon

If you are in the vicinity of Nashville, TN this weekend, join us at the Southern Festival of Books. We’ll be there with all our books, fun items, authors, and enjoying a fun day at the festival. For those of … Read More

Angel of the Centerfold Blog Tour

Debut author, Michaela Robertson’s Angel of the Centerfold is going on blog tour from October 6-19. Follow the tour to learn more about Michaela, her book, and for multiple chances to win copies of Angel of the Centerfold. Blog Tour … Read More

Holiday Anthology Winners Announced!

Thanks to everyone who entered Meryton Press’s First Holiday Romance Contest. Overall, the entries were fantastic and judges in both rounds had difficulty choosing their favorites. In light of the quality of the submissions, Meryton Press has decided to increase the number … Read More

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