To Plege Allegiance Cover Reveal

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Robert W Smith has a new novel that is available for preorder today. To Pledge Allegiance is another “Windy City” novel, but this one is set in 1917 Chicago. Rumors of war are filling the newspapers and the streets. The … Read More

A Long Way from Clare

category Uncategorized 18

Today we are taking part in the blog tour for Robert W. Smith’s A Long Way from Clare. This book is the second non-Austenesque book that Meryton Press has published. It is a romance and murder mystery. The cover reveal … Read More

A Long Way from Clare Cover Reveal

category Uncategorized 32

Hello everyone. All of us at Meryton Press would like to introduce you to Robert W. Smith. He is the author of a romance and murder mystery set in early 1900’s Chicago. We are happy to bring you another novel … Read More

Big Swamp by Kelly Dean Jolley – Guest Post, Excerpt, and Giveaway

category Uncategorized 20

This is the last stop for Kelly Dean Jolley’s Big Swamp Blog Tour, and we decided to have something different. I have been fascinated with the art for the front cover from the moment I first saw it. Kelly and … Read More

Cover Reveal – Big Swamp by Kelly Dean Jolley

category Uncategorized 27

Meryton Press is embarking on a new venture. Until now, we have only published Austenesque stories, mainly Pride & Prejudice with a few other Austen variations scattered in the mix, and one children’s book. As of 2022 Meryton Press is … Read More