Maria Bertram’s Daughter Cover Reveal

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Today I have the special privilege of introducing you to one of the new authors at Meryton Press. Her name is Lucy Knight, and she is an English lady who lives in France. Lucy has written a delightful and poignant … Read More

Captive Hearts – Cover Reveal

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Are you one of many who has been wishing for a good Persuasion variation? If you are, Kelly Miller has a story for you. Captive Hearts should appeal to all lovers of Jane Austen fan fiction. It is a good … Read More

Lady Catherine’s Revenge

category Uncategorized 26

Happy Halloween!  Thank you to everyone for joining us for our month of mystery and haunting tales. We’ve had lots of fun and hope you have too! Our last post is not a vignette but a Halloween poem written by … Read More

Haunted Hotel by Suzan Lauder

category Uncategorized 28

Haunted Hotel Years ago, my husband and I and another couple took a three-week driving tour through Europe. While in the Beaujolais region of France, we happened upon the exact circumstances described in this story, though our guide book and … Read More

The Haunting of Longbourn by C. P. Odom

category Uncategorized 27

The Haunting of Longbourn C. P. Odom The Haunting of Longbourn Wednesday, October 27, 1813Longbourn, Hertfordshire “Mr. and Mrs. Darcy, sir,” Hill announced from the door to her master’s refuge. “Tea is being prepared.” Mr. Bennet greeted his favourite daughter … Read More

The Masquerade Ball by Brigid Huey

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The Masquerade Ball Elizabeth skirted the edge of the ballroom, her eyes skimming over the colorful dancers. She had never been to a masquerade before. Indeed, no one back home in Meryton would ever dream of putting on such a … Read More

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