If you receive the Meryton Press newsletter, you have already read about the novella series. If you do not get the newsletter or haven’t seen it yet, let me tell you a little about the series, starting with the background.
Meryton Press will be releasing several novellas over the next few months. In 2019 we first decided we wanted to do an anthology. Even though we were still in the planning stage, some of the authors began to write their stories. Then in early 2020, before the pandemic, we felt that novellas would be better for the authors and readers alike. The authors with stories started expanding them, and other authors began writing theirs.
All novellas are loosely based on the theme “Skirmish & Scandal,” and each will be a stand-alone story. They will have similar covers to distinguish them as part of the “Skirmish & Scandal” Series.
There are two novellas ready to publish and six in the works.
Schemes of Felicity by Suzan Lauder will be released on August 10th.
The Longbourn Quarantine by Don Jacobson will be released on August 24th.
A Consuming Love by Kelly Miller
Duel-Purpose Act by J. Marie Croft
Spies of Our Acquaintance by Brigid Huey
Reckless, Headstrong Girl by Grace Gibson
Title Coming Soon by Audrey Ryan
Skirmish & Scandal by C. P. Odom (who graciously allowed the use of his title for the theme of the novella series.
We may eventually have three or four more, but this is the definitive count for now. Releases will be announced on the Meryton Press blog and the Meryton Press Facebook page.
To get a glimpse of what is happening at Meryton Press, visit the “In the Works” page of the website. We are excited to be sharing these stories with you. https://merytonpress.com/in-the-works/
Don Jac
Looking forward to this exciting series of stories.
Meryton Press
We are too, Don!
Sheila L. Majczan
Looking forward to reading those.
Meryton Press
We are happy to hear it, Sheila! These are awesome novellas, and we are eager to start sharing them with all of you.
I’m certainly looking forward to these! I’ve read and enjoyed several novellas this summer already. I normally prefer longer books but if they are well written and a full story I’m happy with them. 🥰🥰
Meryton Press
I understand, Glynis. Sometimes is a short story is perfect when reading time is limited. These are all full stories and well-written. We hope you enjoy every one of them. The authors have had a great time writing them for all of you. 🙂
Carol S. Bowes
These are bite-size books, easy reads, yet complete stories. They are from some of the best of Meryton Press’s authors. What’s not to like?
Meryton Press
Yes! You are 100% correct! They are well-written and entertaining stories. We are all looking forward to the release of each one! It’s great to see all the authors excited about the series, too!
J. W. Garrett
OMG! How did I miss not receiving your newsletter? It must have been a solar flare or a senior moment. I’ve signed up below so I should be on your mail list now and… of course if you have any ARC books leftover… please send them my way. WOW! Look at that list of books. I’ve already grabbed one, am waiting to see if I won Don’s in any of the blog tour drawings and I am salivating over the overs. I get so excited over a new launch… I finally quit biting my nails so I hope to not start that again. My husband just ignores me now when I go skipping through the house shouting, ‘New books, new books.” Yeah, he just shakes his head. Blessings to all the fab authors, and thanks Meryton Press for all the generous giveaways that I’ve seen recently. You guys rock. Be safe everyone, wear masks, and stay healthy.