You loved it last year. It’s back this year. The Santa Press Advent Calendar has a new look and new surprises for all to enjoy. Yes, it is that time of year again, the season of giving thanks and giving gifts. Stop by the Advent Calendar each day and open a door for a new gift.
Everyone at Meryton Press thanks you for being part of our lives and sharing our love of books.
Happy Holidays and Happy Reading & Listening!

I loved this last year. Such a treat. I already have this book but would definitely recommend it to anyone who hasn’t. Many thanks.
Meryton Press
We’re so happy to hear this, Glynis! We hope you enjoy it just as much or more this year! 🙂
Marie H
Oh, I loved Obstacles! I read it previously via KU, so thank you!!
Meryton Press
That’s good to hear, Marie! Thank you for telling us.
Thanks so much! This is great!
Meryton Press
You’re welcome and we’re happy you think it’s great. It’s lots of fun.
Robin G.
Thank you for doing this again. Happy Holidays!
Meryton Press
You’re welcome, Robin. Happy Holidays to you and your family too!
Sophia Rose
What a lovely thing you do! Thank you, Meryton Press!
Meryton Press
Comments like this make us happy, Sophia Rose. Thank you, and you are welcome! 🙂
Don Jacobson
Glynis…I am so excited for all of you to enjoy my Pride & Prejudice/Persuasion crossover event. Think two headstrong women and two men who refuse to give up (not obstinate but something) along with a rich collection of supporting characters!
I didn’t get an email for day two 😢😢. Yet another great gift. I don’t have audiobooks so I will pass on this one but thank you so much.
Meryton Press
I wish you did audiobooks, Glynis. This might be a good time to start… You may not get an email for each day. You will have to let me know. Have a great day and we hope to see you tomorrow.
Betty Campbell Madden
Thank you.
Meryton Press
You’re welcome, Betty. We appreciate you.
why is the link for the free book not valid for German teaders?
Meryton Press
Beatrice, it’s an Amazon thing. The deals are US and UK only.
Day 3. yet another great book! On my reread list. 🥰
Meryton Press
Great to hear!
Thanks so much! Enjoyed it last year, so delighted to see it pop up in my FB news feed again this year!
Meryton Press
Hi Jane. We are happy to hear it, and you are welcome. We appreciate you letting us know. Happy Holidays to you and your family.
Jennifer Redlarczyk
Thanks so much for all of your wonderful advents of JAFF Pleasure!
Meryton Press
You’re welcome, Jennifer. Thank you for visiting and participating.
Day 4 ! Another lovely gift, alas I’m not in the USA 😢. I am enjoying opening the doors and listening to the music 🥰🥰
Meryton Press
We’re so glad to hear your thoughts, Glynis. That makes us happy. 🙂
Suzan Lauder
Woo-hoo! I’m Day 4! Glynis, I think you’ll enjoy the book, even if you couldn’t get the prize. Leigh Stewart and I are in the midst of editing it right now, and I like it more every time I read it.
Meryton Press
That’s exciting news, Suzan. 🙂
Would like to be entered for December 4th giveaway
Meryton Press
Got it, Patricia.
Shelley Hoisington
Thank you again for the lovely holiday gifts! I love the music selections.
Meryton Press
We’re happy to hear you love the music selections and the gifts. Thank you for visiting and supporting Meryton Press.
Day 5! Yet another great book, I loved it.
Alas I’m still not getting emails even though I’ve ticked the box every time. I had to scroll down Facebook to find this original post 😢.
Meryton Press
Glynis, are you signed up to receive emails when a blog post comes out. If not, the place to subscribe is the bottom left, second column, of any page on the website. I’m not sure it will alert you to the new door each day, but it will send out an email when there is a new blog post. We’re glad you come to the site and check anyway. Happy Holidays to you and your family.
Thank you, thank you, thank you. This book was on my wish list. This very grateful reader is so appreciative of the Meryton Press Advent Calendar.
Meryton Press
We are glad to hear it. Enjoy! 🙂
Thank you for all the wonderful gifts and thank you most of all for the hours and hours of reading enjoyment from all your lovely Authors
Meryton Press
You’re welcome. Thank you for your support of all the authors and Meryton Press. Season’s Greetings!
Days 6,7 & 8! Day 7 I already have that book and the other two days are for USA only. (Luckily as I missed days 6&7 in time to win!)
Some fabulous gifts. Thank you.
I keep ticking the ‘Please add me to your mailing list’ box 😢
Meryton Press
Maybe there will be something for you yet. We can hope! 🙂 Wouldn’t it be great if postage to the UK was not so high? I wish it was different. 🙁
Seriously, no worries! I do know about high postage, my grandsons in Australia love a breakfast cereal which isn’t available there so I occasionally send a couple of boxes. The cereal costs £2 each, the postage costs around £30! Lucky I love them!
Day 9! Yet another lovely book. It’s been a while since I last read this one.
Day 10! I don’t qualify for this, not so much because of where I live but because I’m not a lover of cooking (wink, wink). A great prize for most though!
Day 11 and 12. I normally only read Darcy and Elizabeth stories but I must say I really enjoyed Big Swamp when I read it. (It reminded me of Raymond Chandler stories which used to be a favourite many years ago)
I’m not entering day 12 as I don’t have audiobooks yet. I much prefer to read myself at my own pace (allowing for rereading favourite passages as I go!)
Still loving the music.
Meryton Press
Thank you for letting us know how much you enjoyed Big Swamp. That is great to hear! If I’m not mistaken, I believe Raymond Chandler stories were also favorites of the author, Kelly Dean Jolley. I enjoy rereading favorite passages myself. I like to savor a book. It’s great to hear that are loving the music. Thank you! I appreciate you stopping by and commenting. You are a gem.
Day 12! Yet another surprisingly totally enjoyable book. I say surprisingly as I usually only read Darcy and Elizabeth stories, but this one really drew me in and I loved it.
I got a little mixed up yesterday which was of course day 13!
Day 14! It’s very cold here at the moment but alas, even if I lived in the USA, I can’t wear socks! I even struggle with slippers and shoes and have to stick to mules so no winter boots for me 🙁
Good luck to all who qualify.
Day 15! Yet another lovely book! I’ve read this a number of times and really enjoyed the stories behind the different flowers 🥰
Meryton Press
The meanings and stories behind the flowers were interesting and educational. I loved them too. It may be time for another reread for me too.
Suzan Lauder
If you like that picture that accompanies Day 15, it’s because it’s original Janet Taylor artwork.
Meryton Press
Thanks, Suzan.
I already own this book but love it. Thanks for another great giveaway.
I didn’t qualify for day 16 and I love Suzan’s book that you are giving away today. I didn’t realise I had quite so many books but they are all excellent choices.
Suzan Lauder
My mom really liked this book for Day 17.
Meryton Press
That’s great, Suzan. Thanks for telling us.
Day 18! Yet another great book! Fabulous gifts for those who don’t already have them 🥰
I love the sneak peaks for the books that are due to be published in 2023!
Meryton Press
I’m glad to hear it, SamH. I love them too.
Day 22! At last I found a book I didn’t yet have but alas, when I clicked on it I got the message ‘page not found’ 😢😢
Meryton Press
I hope you tried again, Glynis. Part of the URL was missing, but was fixed.
No I didn’t think to try again I assumed there was a problem with my device as I’m currently having trouble buying some books, Amazon isn’t giving the option to buy. However I’ve discovered that others are having the same problem so I’m not sure how to solve it.
I loved the day 23 book when I first read it. Such great gifts.
Meryton Press
Oh, I wish you had tried again. 🙁
The 22nd link does not work.
Meryton Press
Were you able to get the book? The link was missing part of the URL, but was corrected. We hope you were able to get the book.
Have I told you how much I enjoy this Advent Calendar? Each day I look forward to opening a new window and the lovely surprises contained therein. I am very grateful to Meryton Press and the authors who have contributed–your generosity amazes me! Thank you!
BTW, the link for day 22 does not seem to be working. I get a “Page not found” message.
Meryton Press
It’s so good to hear how much you look forward to opening a new window, Jeannette. That pleases all of us. The link was missing part of the URL but was fixed around 8:30 AM. I hope you were still able to get the book.
In Essentials. USA code
Sarah P
The 24th link works fine, however on both and, the book does not appear to be free.
Meryton Press
Hi Sarah, the book was free. I’m not sure the exact time when Amazon switches them to free, but when I checked, both were free.
Thanks to you and the authors! Merry Christmas! This was so much fun and looked forward to it everyday!
Meryton Press
We are so happy that you had fun and looked forward to the calendar. That makes our day!
That was a fun advent calendar, I was only late for one day 🙁 but thank you all for the enjoyment and hope you all have a very blessed Christmas!
Meryton Press
You are welcome! We thank you for letting us know how much you enjoyed the calendar. That makes it more special for us.
Marie H
A huge thank you to everyone who contributed all the wonderful gifts for the 2022 calendar. Blessings to all.
Meryton Press
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Marie! We love hearing from you. Happy Christmas!
Michelle H
This has been so much fun enjoyment. Thank you generous authors and Meryton Press. Blessings on Christmas Day and for a wonderful New Year.
Meryton Press
That is such good news, Michelle. Thank you for letting us know. We hope you are having a lovely day and will have a fantastic New Year!