The Vanishing Woman Blurb

A Christmas journey by train…

A mysterious lady in red…

A vanishing woman…

Tad Fowler has recently sold his programming business and plans to spend the holiday with family. Now supplied with ample money and leisure for a slow trip by train from Los Angeles to New York, he hopes to spend the trip daydreaming and reading mystery novels – and reconsidering his solitary, work-obsessed life. 

A chance meeting aboard the train derails Tad’s hope for a quiet, reflective journey. The woman he meets, Quinn Shepherd, immediately captures his imagination.  He discovers that Quinn is the traveling companion of her wealthy friend, Aubrey Borden—who has confined herself reclusively to her cabin.  

When Aubrey vanishes, Quinn comes to Tad for help. Together they face a real-life mystery: how can a woman vanish from a moving train? 

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