These nineteen tales of gripping suspenders, brimming with contents, will transport you to foreign planets populated by alien creatures of indescribable adjectives. Prepare to have your flabbers gasted and hold onto your hats tight—it’s going to be a ride of bumpiness!

From author Neil Roy McFarlane, a bipedal, carbon-based life form from the planet Earth, whose favorite pastimes are vanity and futility.

2 Responses

  1. Rodney Atkins
    | Reply

    Me and my kids love Neil Roy McFarlane! He’s a major part of our bedtime rituals. Thanks for the incredible stories! Can’t wait for more.

    • Meryton Press
      | Reply

      That is so good to hear, Rodney. What a neat memory you are making with your kids reading Neil’s bedtime stories. Audiobook listeners love his narration too. He may narrate The Protocols of Splat. Won’t that be fun ? Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Protocols will be available to purchase and read November 20th.

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