Austenesque Reviews Favorite 2017 – Austenesque Sequel
Margie’s Must Reads Favorite Adaptation 2016
Babblings of a Bookworm Favorite Read 2016
“You see what a strange circumstance it is,” she said, feeling some fleeting relief. “You know our acquaintance has not been easy.”

Elizabeth Bennet—stubborn, quick to judge but slow to revise her opinions, and entirely prejudiced against the man who had just proposed marriage at Hunsford—awakens to learn she has been in an accident. Bedridden in an unfamiliar house, she learns eleven years have passed since the last moment she can remember.

She finds herself a married woman, the mother of four, and pregnant yet again. Her children are strangers, and most mystifying of all, Fitzwilliam Darcy is her husband! How could she have married a man she loathes?

Confined to the house by her injury, Mr. Darcy’s company is inescapable. But is just being side by side enough to overcome their differences? What happens when Darcy, improved in manners and happily married to Mrs. Elizabeth Darcy, is faced with an obstinate, bewildered Miss Elizabeth Bennet?



  • Side by Side, Apart by Ann Galvia
  • Status Published April 20, 2016

13 Responses

  1. Gianna Thomas
    | Reply

    By all means, let me know when I can order this P&P. Thank you.

  2. Patty Edmisson
    | Reply

    I am intrigued. Very new twist.

  3. Glynis
    | Reply

    This sounds intriguing. I look forward to the release date then I can check it out 😊

  4. Carol Perrin
    | Reply

    Can’t wait for this story. Certainly a different twist to Darcy and Elizabeth’s marriage.

  5. Linda Thompson
    | Reply

    Sounds Interesting. I look forward to reading it.

  6. Debbie Hughes
    | Reply

    Please let us know when we can order this book!

  7. November2021
    | Reply

    Was für eine Geschichte. Erst hatte ich Angst, dass mich das Thema vielleicht zu sehr mitnimmt- aber ich hatte mich dann doch aus Neugier entschlossen dem Buch und der Geschichte eine Chance zugeben. Gut so ! Ich konnte es nicht aus der Hand legen und habe im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes mitgelitten! Mit allen, mit Elisabeth, Darcy und den Kindern. Jane kam etwas zu kurz und die Eltern Bennet waren nicht besonders hilfreich. Das Buch hat mich emotional mitgenommen und ich hätte mir gern noch einen Epilog gewünscht.

    • Meryton Press
      | Reply

      Computer translation – What a story. At first I was afraid that the topic might get too involved with me – but out of curiosity I decided to give the book and the story a chance. That’s good ! I couldn’t put it down and literally suffered along with it! With everyone, with Elisabeth, Darcy and the children. Jane came up a little short and Bennet’s parents were not particularly helpful. The book took me emotionally and I would have liked another epilogue.

      MP – We are happy to hear that you gave the book a chance. Thank you for reading it and commenting. When you feel everything with the characters, then the author is a good writer! Sometimes I have wished for books to have more too! We appreciate so much that you are taking the time to read and comment on our books.

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