Happy Dancers

Wowee!  In less than a week, we have added 4 awards to our roster!  In addition to the Silver IPPY Award earned by Linda Beutler for The Red Chrysanthemum, we now have 3 Indie Book Publisher Awards from two more authors to make our happy dance over Linda rev up a notch.  Imagine us as a young Travolta dancing to Staying Alive and seeing the world glittering with the pretty light of a disco ball. The reality might be more like Uncle John doing the running man late into a wedding reception, but we’re going to picture ourselves like Travolta too.

We are immensely proud of our author’s achievements, you know, that proud parent feeling we mentioned in our last post.  Please join us now in our little dance party and groove along with us as we congratulate our newest award winners. Although, maybe newest isn’t the word since both authors have garnered awards on their previous publications. Both have been consistent in creating stellar work.

So let’s celebrate these ladies:

Cynthia Ingram Hensley, The Heart Does Whisper, Finalist in the Indie Book Publishers Awards for Romance.

The Heart Does Whisper is the sequel to the award-winning Echoes of Pemberley.

Karen M Cox, At the Edge of the Sea, Winner in the Indie Book Publishers Awards for Romance and Winner in the same awards for Chicklit.

This is the third novel by Karen M Cox. She has also published 1932, winner of a Bronze IPPY and Find Wonder in All Things, winner of Gold IPPY.
