Monday, January 18th, Determination became available for purchase at Amazon.com. If the book was already on pre-order, it should have been automatically delivered to eReaders.
The Blog Tour also began Monday, January 18th. All stops with links are posted below. If you missed yesterday’s stop at Ceri’s Babblings of a Bookworm, stop by and read an excerpt about love at first sight. There are more eBooks to be given away and lots of excerpts to read. We hope to see you and hear your thoughts.

Blog Tour Schedule
01/18 Babblings of a Bookworm
01/19 So little time…
01/20 Diary of an Eccentric
01/21 My Vices and Weaknesses
01/22 Austenesque Reviews
01/25 Interests of a Jane Austen Girl
01/26 Donadee’s Corner

Buy Links
Amazon US eBook, Paperback, Kindle Unlimited
Amazon UK eBook, Paperback, Kindle Unlimited
Sheila L. Majczan
I have this marked on my Wish List from which I order from KU so I look forward to reading it.
Meryton Press
Good! I hope you get a chance to read it soon, Sheila.
Definitely added to my list! Love this idea.
Meryton Press
Great! I love Jane and the colonel together too.
J. W. Garrett
I read this years ago as a WIP and loved it. I can’t wait to see what changes have been made. It is so much fun watching these older stories come out of obscurity and hit the light of the publishing realm. Blessings to everyone involved… spectacular cover by the way. But of course, you know that already. Congratulations on the launch. Everyone be safe and healthy.
Meryton Press
Thanks, Jeanne. I hope you get to read it soon. It is a good book. I’m glad you like the cover too!