Meryton Press is happy to share the cover reveal for Linda Gonschior’s newest novel. Parallels is the third book in the Reflections series. The first book is Reflections, and the second one is A Tarnished Image.
Ellen Pickels designed the gorgeous cover for this latest book. I can’t wait for you to see it, but first, let’s take a look at the back cover copy. Then after we show you the stunning cover, we will get to read the first excerpt that Linda is sharing. There will be more excerpts and posts coming up in the Parallels Blog Tour beginning June 7th.
Back Cover Copy
Love, heartbreak, and self-discovery
are life’s greatest challenges,
no matter who your parents may be.
Will and Elizabeth Darcy faced those challenges twenty years earlier, yet marriage taught them patience, understanding, and most importantly, the irreplaceable value of one another. Now their children are about to embark upon that path, hopefully to learn those lessons more gently and avoid the mistakes of their parents.
This third book in the Reflections series brings to a conclusion the story of a couple whose love drew them together in spite of themselves and continues to test them when least expected.

What do you think? Have you read the first two? If you have, let us know in the comments.
It’s time to show you the cover! This one really stands out!

Wouldn’t you like to know where they are, who they are…can we guess? Are they reminiscing and if so, what about? What about the season? Is it significant? Do you notice anything about the bench? I guess we will have to read the book to get the answers to these questions!

Look at this full wrapper! Isn’t it eye-catching? And have I said gorgeous? The colors and contrast grab my attention and make me want to study it. I just love it! It all comes together so well.
From the author
I just love this cover Ellen designed for Parallels! A perfect fit with the covers of the first two books in the series. The autumn colours pop and capture the essence of this conclusion to the Reflections stories.

Remember the excerpt I mentioned at the beginning of this post? I think it is time to take a look at it!
The wine had flowed, the food was eaten, and Anna had opened her gifts. The evening was coming to a close with everyone relaxed and laughing. Anna was still admiring the beautiful ruby necklace she’d received from her parents and the matching earrings Ben had given her. The younger members of the family were now making their way upstairs to bed, leaving Anna and Ben with their parents and aunt to finish off the wine and cakes.
“Anna, have another one.” Ben offered her the plate.
“I couldn’t eat another bite!” she said, laughing.
“You finish them,” Elizabeth suggested with a smile. “You know you will anyway.” She glanced over at her husband, sitting quietly opposite her. “You’ve not said much, Will.”
He gave her a small smile. “I was just pondering the events of twenty years ago when Anna was born.”
Elizabeth’s smile faded slowly, and Georgiana’s gaze alternated between her brother and sister-in-law.
“Now, Will, don’t go getting all gloomy on us.” Georgiana poured him another drink and held out the glass. “It was twenty years ago, and you and Elizabeth have had many long, happy years since.”
Ben and Anna looked at each other questioningly, then both shrugged their shoulders. Will sipped at the glass his sister had given him.
“You were only twenty then yourself, Georgie,” he said wistfully. “Where does the time go?”
Elizabeth patted his leg. “Feeling old, my dear?” She chuckled. “Well, if you want to reminisce, I think you should choose something a bit more cheerful. How about my first visit to Pemberley?”
“Oh yes,” Anna exclaimed. “Would you tell us about that?”
Will cleared his throat. “I don’t think there’s much of that I’d care to tell or dare to repeat, Elizabeth.”
“Oh, you mean how you sent me flying into the rose garden?” Elizabeth looked at him in a way that said she knew exactly what he meant.
Georgiana smiled at them. “Oh yes, I remember that.”
“Thank you, dear,” Will said sarcastically. “I had wished to forget that particular moment.”
Anna leaned forward eagerly. “But I’d like to hear it.”
“Your father looked so handsome,” Elizabeth told her. “And so embarrassed!”
“But what happened after that? Where was this garden? Did you fall in love instantly?” Anna sighed.
“I can’t believe you’ve never told your children that story, Will,” Georgiana said before adding in a suggestive tone, “I should think Ben might be interested in it especially.”
Will stared at her. “I can’t believe you even know that story! I didn’t tell you.” He looked over at his wife who glanced away quickly.
Ben raised his eyebrows at his parents. “Is this something I would be interested in?” When his mother blushed and turned away, he grinned as he realized why they must have kept it quiet. “Ah, I understand.”
“I don’t.” Anna looked at them, puzzled. She met four pairs of staring eyes. “Oh.” She blushed.

What do you think about the excerpt? Are you ready to read more? Preorder should be available later today with automatic delivery to your eReader on June 7th.
To celebrate the release of Parallels, Meryton Press is giving away:
Two eBooks of Parallels
One eBook of Reflections or one eBook of A Tarnished Image; winner’s choice
The giveaway is international and will end on the 6th of June at midnight Central Time. Good luck to everyone.
Vicki Hammons
Great cover and fits well with the other two. I don’t think I’ve read these, so yay, a new-to-me series!
Meryton Press
Doesn’t it fit well! Oh, I hope you get to read the series soon. Good luck in the giveaway.
Linda Gonschior
Yes, Ellen did a fabulous job matching this cover with the other two. I am so pleased with it! Hope you enjoy the whole series, Vicki!
Am loving the look. Congrats on closing the ring. Ending a series arc is always so fraught with Tristesse.
Meryton Press
You would certainly understand about ending a series arc, wouldn’t you, Don? 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.
Marie H
Beautiful cover—my favourite season! My first thought was “the autumn of their lives”, but the excerpt mentions twenty years past, so I would think they aren’t in there quite yet? I did read the other two books and loved them, so I look forward to reading this one too! Wishing you every success with it.
Linda Gonschior
Hi Marie! Autumn can be many things, can it not? Colourful, brisk, refreshing… and not quite winter yet. 😉
I am so happy to hear you enjoyed the first two books. I hope you like this one as much. Thanks for checking in on the cover reveal!
Meryton Press
I had the same thought as you when I first saw the cover. The season has to be significant. 🙂 It’s great to hear that you have read and loved the first two books. Good luck with the giveaway for the third book.
Linda Gonschior
Thank you Don! You are quite familiar with that feeling of completion, I know. A little exciting, a little bittersweet, but satisfying nonetheless.
Eva Edmonds
I really like modern day P&P. I must confess that I have not read the first two books and think they will be a good read for this summer. Thank you for the intriguing excerpt. Am I thinking what the others are thinking? Thank you for the giveaway.
Meryton Press
I don’t know. What are you thinking? 🙂 Glad to hear that you like modern day P&P. We hope you get a chance to read the books this summer. Good luck in the giveaway.
Linda Gonschior
Ooh, what are you thinking Eva? 😀
Glad you found the excerpt intriguing. That particular scene they refer to is in book one, Reflections.
Thank you for stopping in!
I have read and loved Reflections, why didn’t I know about A Tarnished Image?
And now this new one? I obviously have some catching up to do!
What a gorgeous cover and I love the excerpt, thank you!
Meryton Press
I’m thrilled to hear that you read and loved Reflections. That’s great news! A Tarnished Image has been out for several years. Maybe you can catchup before the Parallels is released on Amazon. We’re glad that you visited and commented. Good luck!
Linda Gonschior
Why indeed? I am so happy you loved Reflections! These characters are my favourites. When others like them, too, it’s a great feeling. 🙂
The cover is absolutely spectacular. I read, and own, Reflections and enjoyed the story. I have not read A Tarnished Image, but will be putting it on my Wish List along with Parallels. Please enter me in the drawing. Excited about this new offering from a great author.
Meryton Press
Awesome! That is what we like to hear, and we know Linda will be thrilled too! Isn’t the cover spectacular? Ellen did a fabulous job with it. Thanks for dropping by and good luck. You are entered in the giveaway!
Linda Gonschior
I feel the same about the cover design. The colours are indeed spectacular! Good luck with the draw!
Kelly Miller
Congratulations on this long-awaited release, Linda! Ellen did a fabulous job on the cover, and the story sounds interesting! 🙂
Meryton Press
Didn’t Ellen do a great job? It fits perfectly with the first two books. Thank you for stopping by and supporting Linda.
Linda Gonschior
Thank you Kelly!
I couldn’t have asked for a better cover design. It thought it perfect when Ellen proposed it. 🙂
J. W. Garrett
What an amazing cover. It conveys the autumn of their life… get it? What beautiful bright colors. By showing them in silhouette, it makes the cover pop. Wow! Beautiful. I have the second book already and have book 1 on my wishlist. I wanted to wait for the final book so I could read the series back-to-back. This is a new author for me and I am looking forward to this work. Blessings to the author on the success of this series and I thank Meryton Press for the generous giveaway. Good luck to all in the drawing. Everyone, stay safe, and healthy.
Linda Gonschior
Thank you for those lovely comments! I’m sorry you had to wait so long before you could start reading the series. Now you’re set up for summer reading, though!
Enjoy and good luck in the draw!
Meryton Press
Isn’t it amazing? I love all the colors and how much it pops! Maybe you will get lucky and win the first book. If not, it will be on sale along with the second one sometime during the first week of June. Thank you so much for visiting and sharing your thoughts. I’m glad you will have a chance to read the series now that all three books are available.
Jan Hahn
So glad to see the next book in this series is being published. Congratulations, Linda! And the cover is stunning! Love how it makes a complete picture when the book is open.
Linda Gonschior
Thank you Jan! And thank you for coming by today!
Meryton Press
Jan, thank you for dropping in and offering your support. I like that complete picture too. As you said, the cover is stunning.
Jen D
Congratulations on the conclusion of this series! I haven’t even heard of this trilogy before, and yet this should be great fun. Really love the cover and the sense of fun and love reflecting it. Thank you for the cover reveal, excerpt, and giveaway.
Linda Gonschior
Your words sum it up nicely: ‘fun and love reflecting it’. Not only the cover, but the series. Love is the core ingredient but the addition of fun was a must. 🙂
Good luck in the giveaway!
Meryton Press
We’re so glad you stopped by, Jen. Isn’t it fun to learn of a new set of books? That’s just that much more good reading time. Good luck in the giveaway.
Lovely cover and matches the other covers in the series perfectly.
Linda Gonschior
My thoughts exactly! Each of the covers captures the story inside, and this one is definitely no exception. Ellen did a brilliant job. 🙂
Meryton Press
Yes, it does! It couldn’t have been more perfect!
Grace Gibson
Congratulations Linda! Beautiful cover and such an accomplishment to finish a series – you must be on Cloud 9!
Meryton Press
Thanks for stopping by, Grace, and giving your support. Isn’t the cover lovely!
Linda Gonschior
Thank you Grace! Yes, it’s a rush for sure. I could hardly sleep and am up waaaay too early!
Shelley Hoisington
Love the cover! It looks so peaceful sitting there by the lake. Watching the early morning fog lift from the water. Ellen did a wonderful job with the cover following the series. Is this book going to be available in paperback? I know that I have read Reflections and A Tarnished Image many years ago. Congratulations to the Author Linda Gonschior on publishing the third book in the series. 🎉📖🍾. Thank you for a chance in this giveaway.
Meryton Press
I agree, Shelley, with all your thoughts on the cover. Yes, the book will be available in paperback. It “should” be available about the same time as the eBook. Good luck in the giveaway.
Linda Gonschior
Hi Shelley! It does look peaceful, doesn’t it? I did a lot of writing in that kind of setting, though not so prettily coloured. 🙂
Thank you for your kind words and good luck in the giveaway!
Sheila L. Majczan
Beautiful cover. I have not read these stories. In fact they are ones I have not read about before. I will have to check out the earlier ones now.
Meryton Press
Hi Sheila. I’m so glad that you have heard about them now. The first two books will be offered at a sale price sometime during the first week of June.
Linda Gonschior
Welcome to the Reflections world, Sheila! 😀 I am happy that Parallels has caught your attention and introduced you to the series. I must confess that these characters have never been able to leave me alone. I hope you enjoy them, too!
Thanks for stopping by and commenting. 🙂
Thank you for this excerpt. Now you got me thinking…I will need to read the story again and jog my memory.
Congratulations Ms Gonshior for another book.Looking forward to reading this.
Thank you for the chance to win a copy
Meryton Press
Enjoy reading the first two again. We’re glad you stopped by and good luck!
Linda Gonschior
Thank you! Ah, a refresher so you don’t miss any of the references to past events? 🙂
Good luck in the giveaway!
Betty Campbell Madden
Striking cover to a book I’ll likely buy to complete .my set. . .unless I win a copy!
Linda Gonschior
Striking is an excellent adjective Betty! I must admit that covers influence my decision to find out more about a book. Good luck in the draw!
Meryton Press
Good choice of words for the cover, Betty. Good luck in the giveaway.
Wonderful cover and intriguing excerpt! I hope I get lucky!
Meryton Press
Maybe you will get lucky! Thanks for stopping by. We’re happy to know you like the cover and excerpt.
Linda Gonschior
Glad to hear you find the excerpt intriguing. 🙂
Good luck in the draw!
Mary Campbell
I love the cover as autumn is my favorite time of year. I have read the other two books , so can’t wait to read this one. Congratulations on your new book release. Thank you for the giveaway.
Meryton Press
The cover looks like a beautiful autumn, doesn’t it. It’s such a perfect and inviting setting. Thanks for letting us know that you have read the first two books. Maybe you will win this new one! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, Mary.
Linda Gonschior
Thank you Mary! I love autumn, too. Not just the colours, but the crisp air and the crunching of leaves underfoot. It’s a sensory thing. LOL
Good luck in the giveaway!
Beautiful cover!
Meryton Press
I agree, Lois!
Linda Gonschior
Totally agree! 🙂
One of my all time favorite series
Meryton Press
Wonderful to hear, Davida! Thank you for telling us!
Linda Gonschior
Thank you Davida! It’s so nice to hear you say that. 🙂
Good luck with the giveaway!