A Festive Time Was Had By All…

The Los Angeles Festival of Books – the largest Book Festival in the US – was almost two weeks ago and I think I have just about recovered from the experience. This was the second year Meryton Press had a … Read More

Finding Folly by Linda Beutler

This month we have a special treat from Linda Beutler, author of The Red Chrysanthemum and gardener extroardinaire, who wrote this little story for you, our readers.  Elizabeth Bennet was vexed with herself. She would have liked to think that by … Read More

Free Meryton Press Kindle Books

In conjunction with our presence at the Los Angeles Festival of Books this weekend, we will be offering some of our books free on Amazon Kindle. One set on Saturday and the other on Sunday. On Saturday, April 12th, you … Read More

The Long and Winding Road…

Stronger Even Than Pride is here!!!  In my hot little hands!!! The box from the printer arrived today, and even though it’s been on Amazon for a few days, it only just now feels real! It’s beautiful, don’t you think? … Read More

The Secret Betrothal Blog Tour – April 7-18

Mark your calendars for The Secret Betrothal Blog Tour beginning on April 7.  Get to know Jan Hahn through several guest posts on various blogs as well as see what the critics have to say about The Secret Betrothal, and … Read More

Souvenirs From Travels Through Fiction

We are in the business of books, and as such, usually have our noses in a book or three.  Our staff of bookworms is usually hard-pressed to focus on what’s outside of those worlds between two covers.  We’re such a … Read More

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