Winner of Title Contest

You’re votes have decided it and the results are in. The winning title of the Name That Anthology contest is…


submitted by Sarah Steed

Sarah gets to be in the credits of the newly titled Sun-Kissed anthology, a copy of the book, and an autographed Meryton Press book of her choice.

When we narrowed down the titles to 3, no names were attached to the titles, so as it turns out, the two runners up are one and the same: Julia Daniels.  Julia earned 2 copies of the anthology with her submissions.

Congratulations to both of you and thanks to everyone who participated by submitting such an array of creative titles.

As for the stories submitted to the anthology, judging is in its final stages, and a cover design will be coming soon.  We’ll keep you posted.

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3 Responses

  1. Suzan Lauder

    Congratulations, Sarah and Julia! On top of your excitement over winning, you get to be as excited as the rest of us to see who the authors of the successful stories will be! Time is slow sometimes!

  2. Julia Daniels

    How exciting!! Can’t wait to see the awesome stories that won, too!

    • admin

      Truth be told, we can’t wait either!