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Meryton Press Authors at JASNA in Louisville
October 9, 2015 - October 11, 2015

Linda Beutler, author of The Red Chrysanthemum, Longbourn to London, and A Will of Iron, will be speaking at a break out session of the JASNA annual meeting in Louisville, KY on the topic Garden Like Austen, plants Jane Austen knew and grew, geared for modern gardeners wishing to create an old fashioned cottage garden. The event theme this year is “Living in Jane Austen’s World.” She’ll also be signing books.
Suzan Lauder, author of Alias Thomas Bennet, and creator of the Thrift Regency Costume Experiment will also be there decked out in the results of the experiment, signing books, and doing a giveaway.
Event registration required to attend.
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