All the Things I Know
Blog Tour
Join us from December 3-16 as Audrey Ryan and All the Things I Know are hosted across the web by some of our favorite blogs. Join in the fun with giveaways, vignettes, reviews, interviews, and excerpts.

Blog Tour Schedule
12/03 Austenesque Reviews
12/04 My Jane Austen Book Club
12/05 Babblings of a Bookworm
12/06 From Pemberley to Milton
12/06 Night Owl Reader
12/08 Just Jane 1813
12/09 My Love for Jane Austen
12/10 Darcyholic Diversions
12/11 Of Pens and Pages
12/12 Margie’s Must Reads
12/13 Savvy Verse and Wit
12/14 My Vices and Weaknesses
12/15 Diary of an Eccentric
12/16 More Agreeably Engaged

About All the Things I Know
Lizzie Venetidis is confident in her decisions. Moving to Seattle with her sister Jane after she graduated from Stanford, for instance, was a no-brainer. Adult life, however, turns out to be more difficult to navigate than she expected.
What career should she pursue with a bachelor’s degree in Art History and no marketable experience amongst a tech-heavy job market? How responsible is it to drink that fourth cocktail while out with friends? And what should she do about Darcy—the aloof yet captivating guy she met her first night in town?
All the Things I Know is a one-mistake-at-a-time retelling of Pride & Prejudice, set against the backdrop of modern day techie Seattle. Full of wry observations, heartache, and life lessons, All the Things I Know shares the original’s lesson of ill-conceived first impressions and learning who you really are.
Look for #LizzieInSeattle #DarcyInSeattle #AlltheThingsIKnow #MillenialAusten

About Audrey Ryan
Audrey Ryan is the nom de plume of Andrea Pangilinan: daydreamer, wife and step-mother, and obsessive story consumer. She studied writing in college, dreamt about becoming a novelist and slowly forgot about it when real life took over. With a particular affection for contemporary retellings, adapting Pride & Prejudice to modern day has always been a dream. When she’s not reading and writing, Andrea is a marketing slave to the internet industry. She enjoys talking crazy to her weirdo cat, consuming copious amount of wine and coffee with her girlfriends, and record shopping with her husband. Oh yeah, and there’s that small Jane Austen obsession. That doesn’t take up any time at all.