The Proud Parent Feeling

When one of our authors succeeds, it makes us here at Meryton Press feel like proud parents. Though the honor of giving birth to the story goes to the author, our staff has gone through the long hours of editing and designing a cover alongside him or her.  The editor and designer put in hard work and give love to the development of the book adopting it as their own endeavor as well.  Other members of the staff may be involved in smaller ways giving place to avuncular connections to the novel.

Seeing the book be published may not be as nerve-wracking for us as it is for the author, but we have helped scrub its face and dressed it up before pushing it out there to publication.  There is an invested interested in how well it is received when it takes its steps into the great wide world.

When one of our books is received well, we all stand a little taller in the knowledge of having done our collective best.  When one wins an award, we are like those noisy relatives in the stands whistling and shouting for joy.

So, all that to say:

You go, Linda Beutler!

*clears throat* Oh, did we mention she tied for a Silver IPPY Award in Romance for The Red Chrysanthemum? Yup.  That’s our Linda and her baby!
